
Zhejiang Zhoushan Zhengyuan Standard Parts Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer of standard parts and a legal entity approved by the state for operating import and export business.Situated in Shenjiamen Marine Biota Industrial Park in Putuo District,Zhoushan,Zhejiang Province,China,Zhengyuan owns fixed a......[More]
Zhengyuan company chairman Lin
In August 28th,Zhejiang province enterprise leaders summit was held in the Great Hall of the people in Zhejiang Province, is the source of the company chairman Mr. Lin Zhongyue in ...
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 Go Zhengyuan Road,realize the source of 2013-08-18
 Zhejiang fastener industry association h 2011-07-11
 National Technical Committee of standard 2010-12-23
All:Zhoushan Zhengyuan Standard Parts Co.,Ltd. ADD:Shenjiamen Marine Biota Industrial Park,Putuo District,Zhoushan City,Zhejiang Tel:0580-3695887/3695787

浙ICP备12024215号 Technical support: 93Baidu
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